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Amber Portwood Loses Custody Battle To Andrew Glennon

Amber Portwood Loses Custody Battle to Andrew Glennon

Glennon Granted Primary Physical and Legal Custody

Portwood's Custody Battle Ends with Disappointing Outcome

After a lengthy legal battle, Andrew Glennon has emerged victorious in his custody battle with Amber Portwood. The court has granted Glennon primary physical and legal custody of their son, James, effective immediately.

Glennon expressed his relief and joy at the ruling, stating, "I am so grateful for the court's decision. It has been a difficult and stressful time, but I am finally able to breathe again." He plans to focus on providing James with a stable and loving home.

Portwood, on the other hand, was disappointed with the outcome. She released a statement saying, "I am heartbroken by the judge's decision. I love my son more than anything in the world, and I will continue to fight for him."

The custody battle has been a highly publicized and controversial one, with both parties alleging various incidents of misconduct against the other. The court's decision is a significant turning point in the case and may have lasting implications for both Glennon and Portwood's relationship with their son.
